Washing comforters or other similarly bulky items such as curtains, blankets, and bed sheets should be done not only to ensure the cleanliness of your home but also to maintain their aesthetic value. We all love the refreshing scent of clean comforters, but given their size, washing them can be a massive undertaking.
Although letting your local laundry service handle it is often the best way, there are instances where you may have to do it on your own. We’re going to tackle how often you should wash your comforters, how to do it, and reasons you should leave it to the professionals. The last thing we want is for you to end up with a damaged comforter, perhaps by using the wrong detergent or heating it at the wrong temperature. So here’s our guide.
How Often Should You Wash Your Comforter?
There is no hard rule on how often you should wash your comforter. There are two main factors to consider:
1. How Much Dirt Does It Get?
The amount of dirt that accumulates on your comforter depends on several things. If you shower or wash up every night before hitting the sack, once every one to two months might suffice. If you use a duvet cover, your comforter isn’t as exposed to dirt, so it’s acceptable to wash it once every four to six months.
You’d want to consider washing it more often if you answer yes to any or all of the following questions:
- Are you a heavy sweater?
- Are you sharing the bed with one or more people?
- Does your pet sleep with you?
- Do you often skip showering before bed?
All this contributes to the amount of dirt your comforter gets. If you don’t want to follow a schedule, you can judge if it’s time to wash it using your senses. A strong smell or discolored fabric is quite hard to miss.
2. How Clean Do You Need It to Be?
This is for those who are prone to allergens. Even though there’s no visible sign, you still might need to wash your comforter if your health demands it. You’d want to avoid dust and dead cells from accumulating. If you find yourself already sneezing or scratching after three days, you might want to consider having it washed that often.
Washing Your Comforter at Home
If you find yourself needing to wash your comforter at home, follow these steps:
Washing Your Comforter Using a Washer
- Read the label on your comforter, which will instruct you if you need a specific detergent, have to watch the temperature of your water, use a specific washer setting, etc.
- Spot clean if needed. Do this before you load it into the washer or as early as possible to eliminate the stain more effectively.
- Load into the washer.
- Remove from the washer and start drying.
When using the washer and dryer, it’s crucial that you strictly follow the instructions.
Washing Your Comforter by Hand
If you don’t have access to a large-capacity machine, you can wash your comforter by hand. But note that we are not exaggerating when we say it can be tedious. Here’s what you need:
- A tub large enough for your comforter
- Detergent specified on the label
- Fill the tub with water.
- Pour the detergent.
- Submerge the comforter and leave it to soak for 10 minutes.
- Work the detergent by pressing it down and squeezing.
- Drain the tub.
- Repeat until no suds remain.
- Squeeze to get out as much water as possible, but don’t wring it.
- Hang to dry.
These are just the standard steps. Just like washing using a machine, you need to read and follow the instructions on the label to prevent damage to your comforter.
Why You Should Get Comforter Dry Cleaning Services
If you want to maintain the quality of your comforter, there’s no better way than to leave it in the hands of a trusted dry cleaning services provider. Here’s why.
To Avoid Damaging the Fabric
Washing and drying your comforter at the wrong temperature can damage certain fabric types and is often irreversible. While it’s safe to wash some comforters in any setting or using your usual detergent, most come with specific instructions because of the materials used.
For example, if your comforter is made of polyester fiber, you’d want to be very careful with the temperature. Professionals know how to handle different types of materials and are extremely strict in following the manufacturers’ instructions. Also, your local laundry service would know how to address specific concerns and issues you have about cleaning your comforters.
Most Home Washers Are Not Suitable for Large Loads
Aside from maintaining the quality of your comforter, you also want to ensure that you don’t damage your washer by forcing it more load than it can handle. Most home washers are not designed to wash heavy items like comforters.
A laundry delivery service provider has large-capacity washing machines and dryers that can handle heavy loads. They also use suitable detergent to ensure that your comforter gets the proper care.
Avoid Mold and Mildew
Leaving your comforter to air-dry may not be enough to dry it thoroughly. What’s more, there’s a possibility that it can catch foreign materials, such as dirt, that can develop into mildew. You’d want to entrust your comforter to dry cleaning services to avoid such issues.
Hassle-Free and Quick
This is one of the most apparent benefits of getting professional services: you save yourself the hassle, and it’s done more efficiently and quickly. If you are pressed for time, calling your drop-off laundry service is the way to do it.
The convenience of letting professionals do the washing outweigh the benefits of cleaning your comforter at home. Not only do you end up with cleaner sheets, but you also won’t risk damaging your washer. And the best of all: you save yourself all the trouble.
- https://www.reddit.com/r/laundry/comments/q54dmg/comforter_ruined_after_washing/
- https://xcatretail-com.ngontinh24.com/articles/why-does-my-comforter-get-lumpy-after-washing
- https://legendcleaners.com/why-should-you-dry-clean-your-comforter/
- https://laundrypal.com/wash-comforter/
- https://www.washworldlaundry.com/comforter-cleaning
- https://www.longislandlaundry.com/service/comforter-cleaning/
- https://www.pilgrimdrycleaners.com/services/sheets-blankets-comforters
- https://shorecenterlaundry.com/blog/info/blanket-and-comforter-cleaning-service/
- https://www.i-washservice.com/blog/where-do-i-go-to-get-my-comforter-washed/
- https://www.whirlpool.com/blog/washers-and-dryers/how-to-wash-a-comforter.html
- https://www.cleaninginstitute.org/cleaning-tips/clothes/stain-removal-guide